Treasure Islands LLC (Casper, WY)

Case 1

Health & Personal Care niche

Brand: Bubbly Belle

Starting Point: Was selling primarily in the US and generating $47k revenue per month

Results: Generating $218k revenue per month in the Us and CA

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Case 2

Home & Kitchen niche

Brand: Levoit

Starting Point: Was generating $318k revenue per month with only $37k in profit per month

Results: Generating a $677k revenue per month and 41k in profit per month

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Case 3

Health & Household niche

Brand: Intelligent Labs

Starting Point: Was selling 114k per month

Results: Selling $239k revenue per month

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Case 4

Beauty & Personal Care niche

Brand: Velona

Starting Point: Was generating a $951k revenue per month with only 67k total profit per month

Results: Generating a $158k revenue per month in the US and CA

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Video Reviews


From ~240k mothly ad sales and 49% ACoS to 500k+ ad sales per month and 37% ACoS



From 100k with 52% average ACoS to 350k monthly ad sales with 30% ACoS



The client is satisfied with Scaling Peak service and the results they provide. The team excels at communicating, and they lead a great project management process. The project manager keeps the client updated every week, and they use Telegram and Zoom to communicate


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